maandag 8 november 2004

Innovative marketing communication

Someone asked for some hints on innovative marketing concepts, books and visions that recently caught my attention. Here's my quick answer, I'll add more later.... Oh, and I'll be giving a presentation on this very topic in Milan (at the 'Il Premio Cenacolo Editoria e Innovazione') next week where I will show a glimpse of Eccky, an inspiration for innovative marketing.... Eccky will go 'live' next month.

Books and vision: Malcolm Gladwell and Seth Godin, not very surprising… Was just reading this article on the irrelevance of brands last weekend, also says a lot about how marketing will have to adjust to a different world. And Chris Anderson's vision on the Long Tail already is a classic after just a couple of weeks. Very relevant to marketers.

Case studies that triggered me in the last couple of weeks are: Motorola's Street Stories I wrote about this morning, Volvo 'Life on Board' campaign (Dutch), Microsoft's Halo 2 promotion has been very succesful, and I think marketeers can learn a lot from last week's elections in the US. Oh, and that reminds me of a Fast Company article on creating a 'buzzz'....

Any other suggestions?

1 opmerking:

  1. Besides Gladwell and Godin, Mr. Michael Moon might be of interest with his mind blowing book called FireBrands. More info can be found at Personally I believe this book and his next book(s) will be at par with Gary Hamel's. His ideas about branding are very interesting.

