Someone asked for some hints on innovative marketing concepts, books and visions that recently caught my attention. Here's my quick answer, I'll add more later.... Oh, and I'll be giving a presentation on this very topic in Milan (at the 'Il Premio Cenacolo Editoria e Innovazione') next week where I will show a glimpse of Eccky, an inspiration for innovative marketing.... Eccky will go 'live' next month.
Books and vision: Malcolm Gladwell and Seth Godin, not very surprising… Was just reading this article on the irrelevance of brands last weekend, also says a lot about how marketing will have to adjust to a different world. And Chris Anderson's vision on the Long Tail already is a classic after just a couple of weeks. Very relevant to marketers.
Case studies that triggered me in the last couple of weeks are: Motorola's Street Stories I wrote about this morning, Volvo 'Life on Board' campaign (Dutch), Microsoft's Halo 2 promotion has been very succesful, and I think marketeers can learn a lot from last week's elections in the US. Oh, and that reminds me of a Fast Company article on creating a 'buzzz'....
Any other suggestions?
Besides Gladwell and Godin, Mr. Michael Moon might be of interest with his mind blowing book called FireBrands. More info can be found at Personally I believe this book and his next book(s) will be at par with Gary Hamel's. His ideas about branding are very interesting.