Hoe laten we DRM van de wereld verdwijnen? Stoppen met het kopen van met DRM beveiligde content zou een goede eerste stap zijn. Erg simpel, ik kan me niet anders voorstellen dan dat dit (vanzelf) ook gaat gebeuren.
"The whole point of DRM is *restrictions*. The point of all previous audio formats was compatability. CDs play on any CD player. Cassettes play or record on any cassette player. Neither one cares what you do with the audio that comes out. By contrast, DRM is designed to prevent the audio from coming out in any way that the oligopoly objects to. And they even keep changing the rules as they discover new things that annoy them. ...Rather than calling for everybody to implement DRM, which would be uniformly terrible for most musicians, most equipment makers, and all consumers, you should be calling for nobody to buy DRM. We can't stop them from building it "there's no law against companies selling painful products. The only cure is education" of their customers."
woensdag 28 september 2005
Afhankelijk(er) van technologie(?)
Ik weet ook niet hoe ik een vuurtje moet stoken zonder hulpmiddelen als lucifers of een aansteker, dus ik vraag me dan ook af of deze trend van 'technologie afhankelijkheid' zo nieuw is....
"Future notes that his car's GPS navigation system was stolen recently -- and even though he knows his way around the city, he proceeded to feel disoriented and get lost, since he was so used to having the navigation system to rely on. It seems likely that these kinds of "technology withdrawal" situations are going to become more common."
"Future notes that his car's GPS navigation system was stolen recently -- and even though he knows his way around the city, he proceeded to feel disoriented and get lost, since he was so used to having the navigation system to rely on. It seems likely that these kinds of "technology withdrawal" situations are going to become more common."
dinsdag 27 september 2005
Onafhankelijke identiteit
Het lezen van Doc Searl's Whydentity post en zijn artikel in Linux Journal over 'onafhankelijke identiteit' zou verplicht moeten zijn als je in de 'digitale wereld' werkzaam bent...;-) De wereld zal er beter uitzien wanneer de visie en plannen van Microsoft's Kim Cameron werkelijkheid gaan worden.
"The real problem is the absense of something we've needed all along: Independent Identity, owned by the individual, rather than granted by outside commercial and governmental bodies. With Independent Identity, sovereign individuals could selectively present credentials and do business, anywhere on the Net (or in the physical world, for that matter), without being forced to obtain "membership" or whatever. Their private information (memberships, preferences, transaction histories, attention data) would reside with the equivalent of a bank or a broker, and would be represented to others in a way that revealed only what the transaction, conversation or relationship required."
"The real problem is the absense of something we've needed all along: Independent Identity, owned by the individual, rather than granted by outside commercial and governmental bodies. With Independent Identity, sovereign individuals could selectively present credentials and do business, anywhere on the Net (or in the physical world, for that matter), without being forced to obtain "membership" or whatever. Their private information (memberships, preferences, transaction histories, attention data) would reside with the equivalent of a bank or a broker, and would be represented to others in a way that revealed only what the transaction, conversation or relationship required."
Web 2.0
Dit plaatje van Tim O'Reilly is een mooie visuele samenvatting van de onderwerpen waar ik nu al een paar jaar over schrijf op de verschillende weblogs...;-)

maandag 26 september 2005
Independent Identity
Reading Doc Searl's Whydentity post and his cover story for this month's Linux Journal on independent identity is a must. Identity management is a huge business opportunity in itself, but it will enable a lot more business potential if it will be implemented and organized in the way Microsoft's Kim Cameron envisions it. If you're in the business of CRM, social networking, etc, pay attention....
"The real problem is the absense of something we've needed all along: Independent Identity, owned by the individual, rather than granted by outside commercial and governmental bodies. With Independent Identity, sovereign individuals could selectively present credentials and do business, anywhere on the Net (or in the physical world, for that matter), without being forced to obtain "membership" or whatever. Their private information (memberships, preferences, transaction histories, attention data) would reside with the equivalent of a bank or a broker, and would be represented to others in a way that revealed only what the transaction, conversation or relationship required."
"The real problem is the absense of something we've needed all along: Independent Identity, owned by the individual, rather than granted by outside commercial and governmental bodies. With Independent Identity, sovereign individuals could selectively present credentials and do business, anywhere on the Net (or in the physical world, for that matter), without being forced to obtain "membership" or whatever. Their private information (memberships, preferences, transaction histories, attention data) would reside with the equivalent of a bank or a broker, and would be represented to others in a way that revealed only what the transaction, conversation or relationship required."
Stop buying DRM
What's the best way of making sure DRM will go away? Stop buying DRM-encumbered content. Very simple, I have no doubt this is what will happen eventually.
"The whole point of DRM is *restrictions*. The point of all previous audio formats was compatability. CDs play on any CD player. Cassettes play or record on any cassette player. Neither one cares what you do with the audio that comes out. By contrast, DRM is designed to prevent the audio from coming out in any way that the oligopoly objects to. And they even keep changing the rules as they discover new things that annoy them. ...Rather than calling for everybody to implement DRM, which would be uniformly terrible for most musicians, most equipment makers, and all consumers, you should be calling for nobody to buy DRM. We can't stop them from building it "there's no law against companies selling painful products. The only cure is education" of their customers."
"The whole point of DRM is *restrictions*. The point of all previous audio formats was compatability. CDs play on any CD player. Cassettes play or record on any cassette player. Neither one cares what you do with the audio that comes out. By contrast, DRM is designed to prevent the audio from coming out in any way that the oligopoly objects to. And they even keep changing the rules as they discover new things that annoy them. ...Rather than calling for everybody to implement DRM, which would be uniformly terrible for most musicians, most equipment makers, and all consumers, you should be calling for nobody to buy DRM. We can't stop them from building it "there's no law against companies selling painful products. The only cure is education" of their customers."
Hyves innoveert
Ondanks het feit dat ik aan het begin m'n twijfels had over Hyves, te complex en onduidelijke propositie, zie ik nu eigenlijk geen vergelijkbare social networking dienst die meer innoveert. De nieuwe toepassingen die geintroduceerd worden geven stuk voor stuk meer invulling aan het 'exploiteren' van het netwerk, en dan juist vanuit het perspectief van de individuele Hyver. Met de marktplaats als mooi voorbeeld. De relevantie van het onderdeel zijn van een virtueel netwerk is daarmee steeds duidelijker aan het worden. De laatste stap om adverteerders toe te laten is interessant, zeker gezien de manier waarop het gebeurt. Raymond, Floris, succes! Benieuwd naar wat nog komen gaat..;-)
"Het zal een mix zijn van advertentievormen, we zullen ook meedraaien met “gewone” campagnes. Maar ons uitgangspunt is dat adverteerders waarde aan de community moeten toevoegen, en zo uiteindelijk ook de meeste waarde voor zichzelf creĆ«ren”, aldus Spanjar.
"Het zal een mix zijn van advertentievormen, we zullen ook meedraaien met “gewone” campagnes. Maar ons uitgangspunt is dat adverteerders waarde aan de community moeten toevoegen, en zo uiteindelijk ook de meeste waarde voor zichzelf creĆ«ren”, aldus Spanjar.
zondag 25 september 2005
(More) dependent on technology(?)
So we are all depending on new technology and sometimes we're even depending too much on it. How bad or new is that? I don't know how to light a fire without matches or a lighter, I'm sure I would have been able to do that when I had been living thousands of years ago....
"For example, in this blog post, someone from the Institute for the Future notes that his car's GPS navigation system was stolen recently -- and even though he knows his way around the city, he proceeded to feel disoriented and get lost, since he was so used to having the navigation system to rely on. It seems likely that these kinds of "technology withdrawal" situations are going to become more common."
"For example, in this blog post, someone from the Institute for the Future notes that his car's GPS navigation system was stolen recently -- and even though he knows his way around the city, he proceeded to feel disoriented and get lost, since he was so used to having the navigation system to rely on. It seems likely that these kinds of "technology withdrawal" situations are going to become more common."
'The girl next link'
Not (yet) sure what to think of this.....
"Even if international relationships aren't a realistic option for most people, online relationships certainly are. Face it. When your chances of settling down with the girl next door are limited by the number of rivals for her attention, where else are you going to go?"
"Even if international relationships aren't a realistic option for most people, online relationships certainly are. Face it. When your chances of settling down with the girl next door are limited by the number of rivals for her attention, where else are you going to go?"
Google's Wi-Fi plans
I don't know a lot of details on Google's plans to enter the Wi-Fi business as a service provider, but given their aggregator role in several other areas it's not such a stretch. Especially not when looking at the recent launch of the Google Talk service.
'The girl next link'
Weet (nog) niet echt wat ik hiervan moet denken.....
"Even if international relationships aren't a realistic option for most people, online relationships certainly are. Face it. When your chances of settling down with the girl next door are limited by the number of rivals for her attention, where else are you going to go?"
"Even if international relationships aren't a realistic option for most people, online relationships certainly are. Face it. When your chances of settling down with the girl next door are limited by the number of rivals for her attention, where else are you going to go?"
Google's Wi-Fi plannen
Ik ken weinig details omtrent de plannen van Google om de Wi-Fi business in te gaan, maar helemaal onlogisch zijn ze niet gezien hun aggregator rol op diverse andere plekken, maar uiteraard ook gezien de introductie van de Google Talk service.
Wat verdienen bloggers?
Met mijn persoonlijke weblogs heb ik niet als doel om er van te kunnen leven. Althans, zeker niet van de directe inkomsten, lijkt me niet realistisch. Met een andere weblog, Panbo ligt dat iets anders. Ik ben die weblog begonnen om de dynamiek die het gevolg was van de introductie van weblogs beter te begrijpen. Het is een Engelstalige weblog met een focus op een grote niche industrie. Scheepselectronica. De Engadget of Gizmodo voor botenliefhebbers zeg maar. Wanneer ik zo de speculaties lees over de inkomens van bloggers in dit Wired artikel dan kan ik uit eigen ervaring zeggen dat de bedragen die aan het eind genoemd worden wel realistisch zijn...
maandag 12 september 2005
One-stop-shop bij eBay...
Zal wel zijn omdat ik teveel aan m'n hoofd heb, maar ik begrijp niet echt waarom eBay Skype zou willen overnemen. En al helemaal niet voor dat bedrag... Wat mis ik?
"In verloop van tijd zullen we internettelefonie als onderdeel van eBay’s handelsplaats maken – een enorme stap vooruit om transacties sneller en makkelijker te maken en ook om interactie en menselijkheid dichter bij de community te brengen."
"In verloop van tijd zullen we internettelefonie als onderdeel van eBay’s handelsplaats maken – een enorme stap vooruit om transacties sneller en makkelijker te maken en ook om interactie en menselijkheid dichter bij de community te brengen."
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