Joel geeft een opsomming van belangrijke vragen die beantwoord dienen te worden voordat we echt ons voordeel kunnen doen met het internet. Het lijkt allemaal hard te gaan, maar we staan in veel opzichten nog zo aan het begin...
"So what can we look forward to? Well, we'll have to face a number of important challenges to ramp up, the most fundamental of which is of course Identity, and I'm concerned that immediately following is that of an even more loosely defined term that everyone has differing opinions on: Trust. These aren't new thoughts, smart people have been trying this message for years and it's still true, and it's still in need of help. How do you trust someone you only interact with digitally? What do you need to learn about them to understand who they are and form a relationship? When does the group decide versus an individual? Are there realizeable technology solutions here (standards and protocols)? Which social and behavioral patterns need to grow and adapt?"
Het wonderbaarlijke is dat het zelfs met een gebrekkig trust-niveau zo hard kan gaan. Zie de groei van de social networks of de omzet van online shops. Kennelijk is er ook goed te werken met 'fuzzy identities'.