Something is going on here—something with broad implications for tagging, classification and "Web 2.0" commerce. There are a couple of lessons, but the most important is this: Tagging works well when people tag "their" stuff, but it fails when they're a
Life-Long Computer Skills
Teaching life-long computer skills in our schools offers further benefit in that it gives students insights that they're unlikely to pick up on their own. In contrast, as software gets steadily easier to use, anyone will be able to figure out how to draw
What is an Open Creative Community?
Equality of opportunity is an important social norm of an open creative community, but one’s place within community has to do with one’s skills, abilities and willingness to engage with others and participate. Status exists, but it is freely given in
The future of privacy
Use pseudonyms online. There's absolutely no reason to use your real information anywhere short of buying something with a credit card. Establish a couple of good identities know and build your reputation. Someday reputation will be the prime currency in
The Thing That Is Ning
Those *&&%$$ blogger revolutionaries! They're worse than the 90s dot-com boomers! They're more disruptive. They're violently disruptive. They are not just kiting stocks, they are really tearing into the fabric of reality.
Who needs a CIO?
And they block the ports used by the most popular services, from Skype to Second Life, which always reminds me of the old joke about the English shopkeeper who, when asked what happened to a certain product, answered "We don't stock it anymore. It kept se