As younger people reveal their private lives on the Internet, the older generation looks on with alarm and misapprehension not seen since the early days of rock and roll. The future belongs to the uninhibited.
The Elusive Electronic Health Record
Over the last dozen years, I’ve seen many entrepreneuers and many business plans that proport to create a universal electronic medical record. I still don’t have one and I know there isn’t a ubiquitous approach for this. You’d think that with al
Why AOL Created 63 Million New OpenIDs
This is an interesting gambit from AOL, which has generally been shifting from a subscription model (as it was in the 90's) to a rich media content/ad based business model. One of the ways they're doing this is by leveraging their access to the Time Warne
Many Web 2.0 Sites Fail to Link to Related Content
Some of the big Web 2.0 properties do a nice job here. YouTube and Google Video in particular are standouts. Each provides numerous links to related videos. However, these links are based on content metadata and not on the viewing habits of people who wat
Traffic And Flow
This world of traffic will change things like blogging: instead of commenting at someone's post -- a static, page-centric system -- I might simply create a commentary with a link to the original (which I may have discovered in my inbound traffic, not nece
Why the iPhone will change the (PC) world
Jobs' iPhone demo was so powerful that he actually made people believe that Apple invented a whole new user interface. In fact, Apple did something more important than that. The company took some of the best -- hitherto obscure -- UI research and put it i
Nieuw post-format? Zo te zien automatisch gegenereerd vanuit Delicious? Interesting...
BeantwoordenVerwijderenYep, klopt. Enige jammere is dat je niet kunt filteren (met tags) wat er geplaatst wordt. Dus al je links worden doorgeplaatst, tenzij je ze als 'private' aanmerkt.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOK. Weet alleen niet of ik dit persoonlijk heel veel vind toevoegen. Als ik wil weten wat je hebt gelezen - wat ik natuurlijk wil ;-) - check ik wel je widget in de sidebar op je blog.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenJa, maar veel mensen lezen deze blog alleen via RSS... En die zien geen widgets;-)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenMaar voor jou heeft het dan inderdaad geen toegevoegde waarde nee.
Ik lees ook primair je blog via RSS ;-)