
Advertising is a type of Micropayment
Advertising is effectively a micropayment for content, whether it is valued as a CPM, CPC or CPA. It is a generic promise by the audience overall to pay enough to keep the show on the road (or Web).
OpenMoko Open-Source Mobile, coming soon
Can the power of open source be harnessed into the form factor of a cellular phone? That’s the question Taiwan-based OpenMoko hopes to answer positively, when it starts to roll out its OpenMoko platform and phones later this year.
The best user manuals EVER
Never underestimate the value of providing fabulous training materials in getting--and keeping--users motivated to get better. And the better they are, the more likely they are to appreciate (and buy) your higher-end versions, evangelize, buy and create a
Fun with Asterisk at the Etel Faire
Two phone calls enter; one phone call leaves. Each of the players call a number, they compete in one of ten very short (5 seconds) games. The winner stays on the line and takes on the next caller. Games involve hitting the keypad first, being loudest, and
Why I’m not alarmed that school children use Wikipedia
With all its faults — and I consistently link to articles and blog posts that point those out — I think school children are better off because Wikipedia exists, for the exact reason Tancer says we should be alarmed. On most Wikipedia entries school ch
For startups, failure can be a good thing
Along the way the site has become a case study in how to fail well - by launching features quickly, seeing what works, and fixing things on the fly. "When we roll out a new feature, we know we're probably not going to get it right the first time,"
When old media use terms like ‘digital initiative’ they reveal how really old they are
It is now 12 years later and where are we? Several “digital†companies that didn’t exist when Negroponte wrote his essay have market capitalizations far beyond that of any “atom†media company. And we’re supposed to be impressed with the launc
Falling off the end of the Long Tail
There are countless niches like this, each one an opportunity for someone to build a micro-business or just a resource to satisfy a demand, bringing powerful social media tools such as wikis and blogging to specialist communities that already exist in les